Thursday, July 05, 2007

CPE question 3

Ahhhh, week 6. Over half done. The next question of the summer is what is my understanding of thanatology? I don't know as I can clearly define my pastoral understanding of death. I have not yet made sense of all of it yet. There are several scriptural references that run in my head as well as how death is linked to life and to hope. This one may take a while.


PPC Young Adults said...

Thanatology. . .I love that there is never a lack of "logy" words. I'm learning new ones all the time.

But figuring out a theology of death.. . not so easy.

Hope all is well in CPE land. We're thinking of you!

Karen Wagner said...

that was a new for me too. Thanatos - greek for death. 3 weeks left!!!

Monica said...

crap...greek and theology are running amuck in the hospitals...seriously? we will never escape it will we?

PPC Young Adults said...

Greek has so many different words for death. It's kind of weird. Wow. Only three weeks left. You are on the final stretch!

Karen Wagner said...

Once you are in, you can never escape theology. The addition of Greek was really un-nerving. The CPE supervisor told me she was going to send a letter to APTS commending them for sending 3 students who were very theologically adept. Peace y'all and keep working on theology and greek...never know where you will need it next.