Sunday, June 02, 2013

Trying to get back to blogging

So it has been over 2 years since I last blogged.  My new goal is to try and blog everyday.  I need to start writing more often.  I want to publish Christian Education books and children's theology books, but I have been scared to do it.  I have been scared of rejection and have found more excuses not to write, but it is time to change that.    Like most things, writing gets easier and better the more it is practiced.  I have lots of ideas running around in my head, but I need to give them space to begin to breathe. 

I would like to write about the importance of teaching children theological language.  The church has its own unique language, but we have neglected to continue to pass it down.  Leonard Sweet speaks to this in his book the Gospel According to Starbucks.  He talks about how if you order at Starbucks, but don't know the lingo, they will teach it to you.  They will repeat what you want back to you in the appropriate terms.  You say small, Starbucks says tall.  In the church we talk about theology, grace, sin, salvation - but how do we explain these concepts to children?  How do we help equip their parents to be the primary spiritual educator?  Are we truly passing down the faith, or are we simply passing down a set of guidelines and behaviors for the next generation to follow?

I would love to write a series of children's books on theological doctrines.  I would also love to write a children's book about the dog that Sally and I rescued.  Her name is Tilly and she was a breeding dog in a puppy mill.  She is a sweet and loving dog and it is amazing to see how she has come out of her shell in the last six months.  She is a totally different dog, from the frightened little one who came into our home last December. 

I know I may miss a day here and there, especially while on the mission trip with the middle school youth, but I want to write more days than not.  To make use of this space to begin to flesh out ideas for future books.

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