Sunday, February 26, 2006

One of those days

Okay, really it has been one of those weeks. I find myself not wanting to be in big groups of people or be overly social. I find myself struggling with myself. Part of it is I am being waaaay too serious and need to lighten up, not take school, life or myself quite so seriously.

In trying to keep up with reading for 6 classes when I have never read everything in a normal semester has kinda burned me out. I am fighting myself to stay focused and keep working. I am at a point of wanting to be overwhelmed and let go, but there is part of me that won't let me do it (fortuanately).

Well, back to doing some studying for a test tomorrow. For my sake, I have lots of classmates not wanting to do a whole lot right now either.

I hate phases like this.

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