Tuesday, October 09, 2007

A gift from a friend

I had lunch with a pastor friend of mine who is the pastor of a 5 point parish. She has been in ministry for 29 years and has endured much that has paved the way for me and other women entering the ministry. She gave me a great phrase and outlook on my situation.

I am God's servant in waiting. That is what the servant does, waits for the master to call and the right servant is called for the task at hand. So I will wait. I will wait for the master to summon me for the task that I have the gifts to do.


PPC Young Adults said...

Servant in waiting. I like it.

What's a 5 point parish?

Karen Wagner said...

5 point parish....5 churches that are put together and share 1 pastor. There are 2 pairs and a single so the pastor only gets to a specific church every third Sunday

Monica said...

i love you...i have such high hopes for you...i will pray for you diligently on my break this week...know that you are sooooo special...mj