Tuesday, June 19, 2007

What's Your Image of God?

This was a question posed to me by my CPE supervisor. She challenged me to look beyond the typical answers that I gave. She gave me "Maestro" or "quartet leader." The quartet leader image has caught my attention. Just as a quartet needs a leader, there is also an element of every one being vital to the functioning of the quartet.

Where I went with it is I become the 4th member of the quartet, the members of the Trinity being the other 3. Just as the Trinity can be thought of as engaging in a divine dance, why not in musical terms. By being brought into the quartet, I, in my totally depraved humanity, am brought into the life of the Godhead and I have agency. My part is important to the whole. In this it does not take away from the importance of any of the other 3 parts at the same time. I am still playing with this image, but I challenge everyone to take a look at their image of God.



Anonymous said...

Good stuff! Cindy would be so proud...

Katrina said...

i imagine God like the chocolate sauce on vanilla ice cream. the ice cream can be ok by itself...but oh the joy the chocolate brings. it makes you see the ice cream in a whole different way. the flavor penetrates everything and makes the whole bowl worth it.

i think i'm craving something...