Saturday, December 20, 2008

Remembering to live in the moment

I am amazed at how much time I spend worrying about what lies ahead.   Usually it is stuff that is beyond my control.  My realization of the week has been that there is one thing that I can control and that is my attitude.  Situations are what they are, but how I deal with them is my choice.  

This was brought on by a confrontation after feeling attacked.  I chose to let it dominate me instead of choosing my attitude toward it.  Fortunately, I got things in my head straightened out with the help of good friends.

1 comment:

Time Loves a Hero said...

If it helps at all, we're in the same boat. It's tough because you know that you don't want external influences to have such power, and they still do.

It's hard work sometimes, so hard that it gets you despite your best intentions. (At least that's the way it goes for me.)

So let's sing along--Walk on, Walk on, With hope in your heart, and you'll never walk alone. You'll ne-ver walk a-lone....