Sunday, December 17, 2006

Exploring my call...

Having had several conversations with several different people lately, the subject of where I sense I am called to, what kind of church has surfaced several times. One of the conversations, I turned it around and asked the question of the person across the table from me. That was very helpful! Solo pastorate vs associate in a multi staff chruch. My friend remarked that I was the jack of all trades and master of none...yet. She is right!

I still am not sure where I am called to. Part of it will just depend on each church, but one thing I am becoming more and more convinced of, is that I am not called to be safe. I have a tendency to do things a little differently and my sense is that is to be the norm for me. To always be a little out on the edge and slightly non-traditional. Part of it is about creativity, part of it is about pushing myself to see what I am capable of. We shall see.

One more semester to go, then who knows what will happen!


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