Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Theology has taken over my brain....

Okay, I am the theology nerd! I spent the better part of the day struggling with Jurgen Moltmann. We are reading "The Way of Christ" and I am presenting part of it with a fellow classmate. At one point today, I was overwhelmed by so much clutter of life, I honestly didn't know where to start. I get the chapter on Apocolyptic Suffering. So, I went to see the Professor. Dr. Cynthia Rigby, who I truly think could walk on water.

We set a time later this afternoon to meet. I went back to struggling through the chapter for the millionth time, went to choir rehearsal, then back to laboring over the chapter. As I took notes on what I had previously underlined in the book, Trinity stuck out of the text, I found it really odd that it kept coming up as this is a book on Christology. Well, lo and behold, when I met with Cindy and talked about the opening sentences of the chapter which put the cross at the heart of the passion story, which is at the heart of Christology, which is at the heart of Christianity...The Cross then stands in the center of the Trinity as the Trinity is the perichoritic nature of the 3 in 1 that is the Eternal Godhead. The cross is representative of the self giving love not only of Christ, but of the Father and the Holy Spirit as well. Christ suffered on the cross, the Father and the Spirit suffered as well. These were the sufferings not of the particular man of Jesus Christ, but the sufferings of all of creation as well, they are apocolyptic. It was like a light bulb came on. Now I am still not done unpacking the whole chapter, but at least got started. Cindy helped me in finding the path that I need to pursue and helped me see that I did actually understand this stuff.

The overwhelming task of the semester caught up with me and stress has taken over my brain. Cindy suggested golf or a movie. So heeding the advice of a trusted professor, I headed to the movie with Jensen and Papps, 2 of the Ryans. We went to V for Vendetta. Very theological movie. Purifying through fire, baptism, Christ within all people, dying to self, saving your life by losing it...we had a theological chat afterward. Nuts that you can go to movies and find theological themes in them because that is now the pattern that your brain takes on. YIKES!!!

On another note, the run-off election started today between me and Josh Gahr. We had to give 2 minute speeches. My platformless campaign changed to Academics + 2. Study, that is why we are here plus a way to feed yourself spiritually and a way to engage with the community through service and/or fellowship. We'll see what happens.


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