Sunday, February 03, 2008

Yet another library burns...

Today marked the 2nd library to burn in the last week. Last week saw the death of Jack Stotts. Today the living library Stanley R Hall died. I am grateful for the time that I got to spend learning from Stan and getting to know Stan. He has left a living legacy in all the students who sat in class with him, whether they agreed with him or not. I have been shaped by Stan's gift of knowledge.

I can't help but think that there is now a task ahead for the students of Stan and Jack. For those of us who knew these men, we know the legacy that they left us. The torch has been passed. it is now ours to run with, to nurture the flame and to watch it grow.

I pray for comfort for the family and friends of Stan Hall as they mourn his passing. For me, Stan Hallisms run through my head. The one that yells the loudest in my mind is "Let us not be prejudice against the merely dead in Christ."

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