Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Being me is enough

Senioritis has struck as the end of my seminary journey draws near. My PIF (pastor information form...aka resume) was released by my presbytery and is now out in the wild. This means I can begin sending my PIF to churches I am interested in and the national office will begin matching me with prospective churches and the call process begins.

It is interesting to read what churches write about themselves and about what they are looking for in the pastor they seek to call. A deep and abiding love of Christ (probably a good thing for a pastor), communication skills, and a sense of humor. These seem to be pretty common, but what is striking about so many of the positions is it seems that churches are looking for someone to be everything to everybody.

In recent weeks I have had the revelation that being me is enough. My problem is I don't think I believe that all the time. Being me is all I can do. I need to remember this as I proceed into ministry. I can only be me, and being me is enough. I am the only me there is. I think this has been a cause of my stress lately.

I need to listen to the folks at WPC more. I have only been there since August and several have said they are sad to see me go in a month or so. It meant a lot to have a couple youth moms comment that they wished I could stay another year and one said her son really liked me. Another parent commented Sunday that her 8th grader had said she liked that I had enthusiasm and she could tell I really believed what I was saying. It has meant a great deal to have feedback from the congregation that includes comments that some church will be blessed to get me. Others believe it about why don't I believe it?

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